Saturday, March 14, 2015

Life of a Truman Student

How I feel about heading back to Kirksville tomorrow:

For those of you who don't know what the heck, Kirksville is a small town in northern Missouri (I say small, but it is actually one of the biggest towns in northern MO which really says something) that is home to my college, Truman State University where I study Biology with a minor in Procrastination.
I've never really been a fan of Kirksville because of its location in Hillbilly U.S.A. and its main attractions: Pancake City ("shitty's"), Leisure World, and Walmart. Let's put it this way: my next door neighbors have a goat and sometimes kids drive an hour and a half to Columbia just to get Chipotle or Bread Co.
Kirksville's one redeeming quality is Thousand Hills State Park, which deceptively only harbors one lake (not 1,000) but is also home to many hiking trails and most importantly "The Beach." This area is a small span of land on the shore of the lake complete with sand, a roped-off swimming territory, sand volleyball courts, and a moody park ranger who will bust you for littering at a moment's notice. Despite Mr. Mood Swings, The Beach is actually a pretty great place to spend some blissful time lounging in the sand listening to Bob Marley's greatest hits and pretending that you're actually on vacation or near the ocean. This is how I plan to spend most of my summer, during which I will be up in Kirksville taking an Organic Chemistry "Superlab" (That means it's super fun!!! ...not) and probably a Physics class/lab as well (blech).
The only thing keeping me going through this semester is the fact that in less than 6 months I will be living the dream - instead of driving 1.5 hours to obtain a decent burrito, I will be driving 1.5 hours to tan on the beach - the actual beach, not "The Beach"! I can't wait for this part of my life to begin but unfortunately I have to make it through the rest of this semester and the summer (with a minor pit stop in South Africa!) hard at work in school. It will all be worth it, though - Disney is the best reward!!!
I have a lot of homework to get to before I leave tomorrow, so that's all for now!
Catch ya on the flip side guyz

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