Sunday, March 29, 2015

Baby's First Beer Bong!

Hi fans! Today I'm just here relay to you the unfortunate events of last night. I want to document this moment so that I can remember it forever, because it was truly one of the most embarrassing moments of my life and I want the world to know about it! (look away Grandma! You don't need to read this! LOL)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Who Could You BBB?!

Hey everybody!
I have a super random and exciting tidbit to share with you today. This semester, I've been pledging an honors biology fraternity called BBB (Tri Beta). I'm already a second semester junior so I probably should have done this wayyyy sooner. It took a couple years, but I finally overcame my laziness and I'm really glad I did!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

8 Events in Jumanji That I Really Hope Don't Happen in South Africa

1. Giant killer mosquitoes with the unearthly power to crack your windshield
I doubt even my malaria meds would defend me against these suckers 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Life of a Truman Student

How I feel about heading back to Kirksville tomorrow:

For those of you who don't know what the heck, Kirksville is a small town in northern Missouri (I say small, but it is actually one of the biggest towns in northern MO which really says something) that is home to my college, Truman State University where I study Biology with a minor in Procrastination.

See Ya Real Soon, Disney!!!!

So this post has been a long time coming. I haven't really been sure how to start, because I have read so many Disney College Program blogs and all of them begin with the generic "Hi! I'm so-and-so. I applied for the DCP on this date and got accepted on this date! My phone interview was 19.7 minutes long. I am so excited to share this amazing journey with you! etc. etc."). Not that that isn't a great way to start out your blog, but there are already SO many blogs out there with that format. So to start off, I thought I'd just do a quick rapid fire of information:

"African't" Wait!!!!!

Coming to you live from my bed at 2:42 AM where I am still hopelessly awake for some odd reason unknown to man... I have a 7:30 class tomorrow (or should I say today) so this is no bueno! Since I apparently won't be sleeping, I thought I'd just blog a bit and tell you a few things about my upcoming trip to the other side of the world.